MEDEL expresses its full support and solidarity with Judge Vladislava Tzarigradska and all Bulgarian magistrates who openly defend the rule of law and, in...
Medel welcomes the announced reforms of the institutional framework of prosecution in Poland. Medel expresses deep satisfaction with Poland's notification of intention to join...
MEDEL is observing with concern the developments related to the electronic election of members of the Supreme Judicial Council in Bulgaria.
MEDEL is observing with...
MEDEL expresses its serious concerns over the recent reports of repeated mediatic and political attacks on Italian judges.
MEDEL -Magistrats Européens pour la Démocratie et les...
MEDEL urges the French authorities to definitely respect the freedom of expression of members of the judiciary
It is with...
MEDEL, represented by the President Mariarosaria Guglielmi, is present at the congress of its member association Juezas y Jueces para la Democracia, in Bilbao,...