Saturday, February 8, 2025


Combating economic and financial crime

Geneva appeal

L'Appel de Genève, du 1er octobre 1996, lancé par : Bernard Bertossa, Edmondo Bruti Liberati, Gherardo Colombo, Benoit Dejemeppe, Baltasar Garzon Real, Carlos Jimenez...

Winter University

The Winter Judiciary University of MEDEL will take place on 13 to 16 of February 2014, at the University of Minho Campus, in Braga,...

Corruption, crisis, law

Eric Alt on criminal origins of the economic crisis: "Les droits fondamentaux sont autant d'appuis pour un esprit de résistance. C'est le meilleur antidote à...

Public procurement conference in Bucharest

Fighting Public Procurement Criminality. An Operational Approach" has been developed in response to Romanian authorities' need to implement EU recommendations in the field  of figh ting public...


Corruption and anti-corruption in the Justice system, by Cristi Danilet This paper deals with the subject in four distinct parts, looking at general matters of...

Meeting in Belgrade

Struggle against corruption :  Aim of the first panel was to define recommendations for strengthening the independent status of Serbian judiciary in order to improve...

Appeal to enhance a EU fight against organized crime

June 22nd, 2012 In 1996, judges and prosecutors from several European Countries launched the Geneva Appeal. The Appeal denounced the fact that, in the shadows...


La Déclaration de Philadelphie définissait, en 1944, les buts et les objectifs de l'Organisation Internationale du Travail.. Elle proclamait que "le travail n'est pas...

An area of Freedom, Security and Justice

The European Public Prosecutor : a challenge for the European Union (Eric Alt), oct. 2010 : The European public prosecution service is not a...

Justice in Shackles

Colloque sur la Justice entravée, corruption et criminalité économique internationale Les "affaires" qui secouent la plupart des pays sont la partie émergée d'un immense iceberg. Le crime...

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