Thursday, July 18, 2024


Europe News

Letter to Council of Europe and EU Commission on the occasion of Fifth anniversary of the attempted “Coup d’État” in Turkey

The Platform for an Independent Judiciary in Turkey (Medel, EAJ, AEAJ and Judges for Judges) sent a letter to the Council of Europe and...

A letter to Ursula von der Leyen, Charles Michel and David Sassoli concerning recent developments in the Polish Judiciary

MEDEL, European Association of Judges, Association of European Administrative Judges and Judges for Judges have sent today a letter to Ursula von der Leyen,...

MEDEL statement on Polish Judiciary

(EN) MEDEL has issued a statement regarding the recent developments in the Polish Judiciary and the decisions of the Court of Justice of the...


MEDEL's member association Lex Super Omnia has published a thorough and impressive report (in English) on the methods of repression used in Poland against...

Monica Frąckowiak’s speech in the conference “The Crisis of Rule of Law and the Independence of the Magistrature”

Monica Frąckowiak, member of the board of MEDEL, took part on July 13th, 2021, as speaker in the conference organised by the Italian Superior...

Statement of MEDEL on Turkey

The Council of Administration of MEDEL, gathered today in Firenze, Italy, and online, unanimously approved a statement on occasion of the anniversary of the...

Conference “The Future of Europe between Rule of Law and Social Pillar”

  On July 9, 2021 MEDEL and its member association Magistratura Democratica organised in Firenze, Italy, the conference "The Future of Europe between Rule of...

MEDEL Birthday

On June 15th 1985, European magistrates and associations of magistrates convened in Strasbourg to constitute MEDEL. Among their goals was "the establishment of a common...

23rd of May – Alert Day for the Independence of Justice

Every 23rd of May, MEDEL honours the memory of Giovanni Falcone, the Italian judge assassinated by the mafia on this day, in 1992, having declared...

MEDEL statement – AG Tanchev’s opinions (cases c-487/19 and c-508/19) Termination of Adam Bodnar’s mandate by politically captured Polish Constitutional Court

MEDEL issued a statement today on Advocate General Tanchev's opinions in cases C-487/19 and C-508/19 and the termination of Adam Bodnar's mandate as Polish Ombudsman,...

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