The Platform for an Independent Judiciary in Turkey, which is composed of the four European judges associations: Association of European Administrative Judges (AEAJ), European...
The ENCJ reiterates its unreserved condemnation of the recent attempted coup in Turkey. The loss of life incurred in this attack on a democratically...
Dear Miss Seda Arslan, the Scuola Superiore della Magistratura (hereinafter SSM) has received the invitation sent by the Turkish Judicial Academy for the participation...
According to most recent information on Turkish judiciary, 2.847 judges and prosecutors were dismissed following a decision of the Turkish High Council for judges...
Letter sent today to the High Judicial Council of Turkey by the Platform for an Independent Judiciary in Turkey:
Honorable President, The international associations of...
American Bar Association, Massachusetts Bar AssociationReport to The House of DelegatesAdopted as Revised
RESOLVED, That the American Bar Association, which supports the independence of the...
Viele der entlassenen und verhafteten Richter und Staatsanwälte sind bei ihren deutschen Kollegen bekannt: Kaum vorstellbar, dass sie alle der Gülen-Bewegung angehören.
Der Deutsche Richterbund,...
Par Robert Badinter, Virginie Duval, Clarisse Taron, Christophe Régnard et Simone Gaboriau.
Qu’on ne s’y trompe pas : la purge de l’institution judiciaire, de la...
A.D.M.I. Associazione Donne Magistrato Italiane esprime dolore per l’inaccettabile situazione in atto in Turchia ove, in una sola notte, sono stati sospesi ‘senza processo’...