Tuesday, July 16, 2024


Europe News

UN human rights chief urges Turkey to uphold rule of law in response to attempted coup

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights condemns mass suspension and removal of judges in Turkey. The United Nations human rights chief today called  on...

Joint declaration of Portuguese and Spanish judges associations

Declaração conjunta as Associações de Juizes de Espanha e Portugal acompanham, com extrema preocupação, a situação que vivem atualmente os juízes turcos. Considerando a gravidade...

The International Association of Prosecutors follows with the greatest concern the recent development in Turkey

In response to the reported suspension of more than 2.700 Turkish judges and prosecutors following the attempted coup d'état on the evening of July...

MEDEL calls on the European institutions to demand Turkey to release the arrested judges and prosecutors

MEDEL urges all the European institutions to condemn in the strongest terms the brutal attack of the Turkish authorities to the independence of the...

SMMP’s communiqué: The arrest of Turkish judges and prosecutors: blaming the innocent

1.    We have followed the last moments of freedom of the Turkish colleagues (judges and public prosecutors, members of YARSAV) who, in wake of...

Magistratura Democratica statement on situation in Turkey

Magistratura Democratica expresses its concern over the news coming from Turkey in the aftermath of the attempted military coup. The announcement about the large...

Portuguese judges statement

A Associação Sindical dos Juízes Portugueses (ASJP) segue com profunda preocupação e indignação os acontecimentos em curso na Turquia que dão conta do afastamento...

Open letter of the Belgian associations of magistrates to the Belgian government

Betreft: situatie in Turkije – Schorsing en arrestatie van magistraten. Geachte heer Eerste Minister, Geachte heer Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, Geachte heer Minister van...

Letter of the Syndicat de la Magistrature (France) to the French president

Monsieur le Président de la République, Dans l’immédiate suite de la tentative de coup d’Etat intervenue en Turquie, des nouvelles saisissantes nous sont parvenues...

Coup d’etat in Turkey has only just begun

In the past 21 months in Turkey, nearly 9.000 magistrates (out of around 15.000) who dared to protect basic rights and freedoms and to...

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