Monday, February 24, 2025


Europe News

Statement of the President of the Superior Judicial Council of Romania

Poziţia domnului judecător Mircea Aron, preşedinte al Consiliului Superior al Magistraturii  referitoare la informaţiile vehiculate în spaţiul public privind situaţia judecătorilor şi procurorilor din...

Statement of The European Criminal Bar Association (ECBA)

The ECBA, whose objects under its constitution include promoting “(...) the administration of justice and human rights under the rule of law within the...

Letter from MEDEL to the Consultative Council of European Judges on suppression of the Independence of the Judiciary in Turkey

Dear President Nils Engstad, We are writing you to call an extraordinary meeting as soon as possible to discuss the suppression of the independence...

Letter from MEDEL to the Consultative Council of European Prosecutors on suppression of the Independence of the Judiciary in Turkey

Dear President Cédric VISART DE BOCARME, We are writing you to call an extraordinary meeting as soon as possible to discuss the suppression of...

Statement of the President of the conference of INGOs: State of emergency in Turkey – Call on civil society to be vigilant

In my capacity as President of the Conference of INGOs of the Council of Europe, I am concerned about the situation of civil society...

Statement of the Polish Judges Association “IUSTITIA” on the detention of judges and prosecutors in Turkey

Polish Judges Association "IUSTITIA" with a great concern notes the information coming from Turkey about dismissal more than 2,000 judges and prosecutors and detention...

Statement of the Supreme Judicial Council of Bulgaria

Висшият съдебен съвет на Република България изразява своята загриженост за спазване правата на над 2 700 турски съдии и прокурори, които по публични данни са...

Statement of the Bureau of the CCPE

The Bureau of the Consultative Council of European Prosecutors (CCPE) has closely followed the dramatic events that occurred in Turkey recently. A democratically elected authority...

Declaration of the Movimento do Ministério Público Democrático – Brasil

The Movement of the Ministery Public Democratic (MPD), national entity without corporate character and economic purposes, composed of public prosecutors from all over Brazil...

Letter to NATO urging to demand Turkey to release the imprisoned judges and prosecutors

Dear Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, We are writing you on behalf of multiple organizations of judges and prosecutors from across Europe urging you to demand Turkey...

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