Wednesday, March 12, 2025


Europe News

Joint press release of AEAJ, IAJ-EAJ, MEDEL, Judges for Judges

Four European organisations of judges are appealing to the European Court of Justice against the first instance order refusing them standing to challenge the...

Monika Frąckowiak took part in the project promoting Rule of Law Report

Monika Frąckowiak, vice president of MEDEL took part in the project promoting Rule of Law Report.     

Medel statement on judicial independence and financial security

Material independence of judges is an essential guarantee of their independence and, at the same time, of the proper functioning of the judiciary as...

Monika Frąckowiak participated in International Legal Ethics Conference in Amsterdam

Monika Frąckowiak attended the International Legal Ethics Conference in Amsterdam. Yesterday she participated in a round table discussion: "The Independence of the Judiciary: Lessons...

Joint letter to European Institutions on the anniversary of the 2016 Coup in Turkey

On the anniversary of the 2016 attempted coup d’État, MEDEL, EAJ, AEAJ and Judges for Judges urge the European Institutions to take all necessary...

“Immigration in Europe and fundamental rights. Which perspectives for the next European legislature?” MEDEL – Questione Giustizia (special issue 2/2024)

MEDEL published jointly with Questione Giustizia a special issue containing several pieces based  on the contributions of the speakers at the international conference "Immigration...

Book of the MEDEL Conference “Rule of law in Europe”

In December 2021, MEDEL (together with its Portuguese member associations ASJP and SMMP) and the Lisbon School of Law of the Catholic University, organised...

Migrants: like an arrow in the bow of humankind, by Mariarosaria Guglielmi

Questione Giustizia published the opening speech by Mariarosaria Guglielmi at the international conference Immigration in Europe and Fundamental Rights. Which perspectives for the next...

MEDEL at the side event “Potential Role of PACE in Upholding the Rule of Law and Democracy through Enhancing the Effective Implementation of ECHR...

MEDEL was represented by its President Mariarosaria Guglielmi  at the side-event organized during the plenary session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of...

Not a step back for a Europe of fundamental rights, solidarity and rule of law

In the aftermath of the European elections, faced with the most recent developments in national contexts and European institutions, MEDEL reaffirms that only the...

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