Sunday, February 23, 2025


Europe News

The biggest challenge Turkish Republic and judiciary ever faced

Turkish government, after the accumulation of executive, legislative and judicial power into one hand, submitted a security bill to the Turkish General Assembly which...

Tribute to the cartoonists killed in Paris

Tribute to the cartoonists killed in Paris.           #JeSuisCharlie - Les dessins from golem13 on Vimeo. Cartoon of Cabu, killed Jan.7 2015 (The minister of Justice and...

Mos Maiorum – Europe’s illegal reaction to it’s own inertia

From the 13th to the 26th of October, the European Union, with the cooperation of FRONTEX and EUROPOL, is carrying out the operation “MOS...

Justice under attack in France

MEDEL supports judges attacked in France, after the indictement for corruption of Mr Sarkozy, former President of the Republic. Face au déferlement d'attaques contre la...

Training of Judges and Public prosecutors

July 4th, Belgrade, Serbia Systems of training (initial and continuous) – institutions of training, programs of training, lecturers, beneficiaries the role of judicial councils in...

Fatal shooting at the Jewish Museum in Brussels

Après la violente fusillade qui a coûté la vie à quatre personnes, dans le Musée Juif de Bruxelles, MEDEL communique : Profondément choqué par cette...

Alert Day for Independence of Justice in Europe May 23, 2014

Appeal - Democracy requires independent courts, judges and prosecutors(An independent and active justice is essential to the development of awareness about the social relevance...

MEDEL Statement on Constitutional Court President Haşim Kılıç

MEDEL is calling on all public authorities and media in Turkey to cease attacks against the Constitutional Court President Haşim Kılıç Medel is following closely...

“Filing, Inform citizens: Passport for the protection of personal data

The public conference "Filing, Inform citizens – Passport for the protection of personal data" aims to present the European project of the same name,...

The french Public prosecutor in bad shape

There is a intellectual efferscence about reforming Justice and Prosecution in France. But right now, nothing concrete has been decided. Depuis 2012, de grands chantiers...

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