Colloquium in Paris, Oct. 13th.
Introduction du forum La démocratie à l'épreuve de la corruption, organisé le 13 octobre 2012, à Paris. Les interventions sont...
The audit on Serbian judiciary was issued June 29th 2012 in Belgrade.
The judiciary system established as a result of the reforms implemented since 2009...
Corruption and anti-corruption in the Justice system, by Cristi Danilet
This paper deals with the subject in four distinct parts, looking at general matters of...
Struggle against corruption : Aim of the first panel was to define recommendations for strengthening the independent status of Serbian judiciary in order to improve...
Position of MEDEL on class action. Réponse à la consultation sur l'action de groupe (29 février 2008).
Dans sa réponse au Livre vert, MEDEL souligne...
June 22nd, 2012
In 1996, judges and prosecutors from several European Countries launched the Geneva Appeal. The Appeal denounced the fact that, in the shadows...
1. MEDEL has established a relationship of trust and solidarity with the associations of judges and prosecutors of Serbia. International Association expressed great concerns...