Thursday, January 9, 2025


Europe News

Conference “Evaluation of Judges’ work”

On the 6th of October MEDEL and the Judges' Association of Serbia jointly organised with OSCE and Open Society Foundations a conference on “Evaluation...

Conference “Evaluation of Judges’ work”

On the 6th of October MEDEL and the Judges' Association of Serbia will jointly organise with OSCE and Open Society Foundations a conference on...

MEDEL at the Leipzig Rule of Law Conference “The Rule of Law – Bridging or Sanctioning Differences?” 28-29 September 2023

September 28/29 - Filipe Marques will take part in the panel "Debating Civil Society Revolt Against Rule of Law Challenges", of the "Leipzig Rule...

MEDEL at Council of Europe Secretary General’s exchange of views with Civil Society

Palais de l’Europe - Strasbourg, 15 September 2023 Mariarosaria Guglielmi is representing today MEDEL  at the first exchange of views with Civil Society  held by...

The many faces of the attack against the freedom of speech and association of magistrates: the article published by Mariarosaria Guglielmi in Questione Giustizia

"A new idea of impartiality is haunting Europe: the many faces of the attack against the freedom of speech and association of magistrates" The attempts...

Article on the lawsuit of MEDEL regarding Rule of Law and RRP funds for Poland

The article published by Filipe Marques, Đuro Sessa, John Morijn, in the Journal of Constitutional History (Giornale di Storia Costituzionale n. 45 / I...

MEDEL Statement on Judge Ahmet Çakmak

MEDEL is following with concern the developments in the case of Judge Ahmet Çakmak. MEDEL is following with concern the developments in the case of...

MEDEL at the side event Revisiting the functioning of democratic institutions and rule of law in Turkey – Role of judiciary in current situation...

Following the coup attempt in July 2016, the Turkish government launched extensive purges targeting perceived opponents, including judges and prosecutors. Thousands of colleagues were...

MEDEL at the side event Revisiting the functioning of democratic institutions and rule of law in Turkey – Role of judiciary in current situation...

“If there is someone somewhere fighting for rights and freedoms, and taking the plunge, this means there is always some hope for the future” ...

MEDEL at 37th congress of Juezas y Jueces para la Democracia “La Europa de los Derechos”

MEDEL, represented by the President Mariarosaria Guglielmi, is present at the congress of its member association Juezas y Jueces para la Democracia, in Bilbao,...

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