Colloquium in Paris, Oct. 13th.
Introduction du forum La démocratie à l'épreuve de la corruption, organisé le 13 octobre 2012, à Paris. Les interventions sont...
The audit on Serbian judiciary was issued June 29th 2012 in Belgrade.
The judiciary system established as a result of the reforms implemented since 2009...
Corruption and anti-corruption in the Justice system, by Cristi Danilet
This paper deals with the subject in four distinct parts, looking at general matters of...
Struggle against corruption : Aim of the first panel was to define recommendations for strengthening the independent status of Serbian judiciary in order to improve...
Position of MEDEL on class action. Réponse à la consultation sur l'action de groupe (29 février 2008).
Dans sa réponse au Livre vert, MEDEL souligne...