Monday, March 10, 2025


Conference “Public Prosecution and Rule of Law in Europe”

On September 19, 2020, MEDEL, “Questione Giustizia” and the Dipartimento di Scienze giuridiche dell’Università di Firenze organised in Florence, Italy, the international conference “Public Prosecution and Rule of Law in Europe”.

Conference Programme

It was a unique opportunity to think and debate among Prosecutors, Judges, Lawyers and Academics on the main challenges that the Public Prosecution faces in Europe and how fundamental it is to protect its independence.

In this page you may find the link to watch the video of the full conference and the texts of some of the speeches that were given.

You may also find here the special edition that “Questione Giustizia” dedicated to the conference:

Conference speeches:

Filipe Marques164.99 KB

Jose Albuquerque876.76 KB

Alexandra Chaumet92.66 KB

Iria Gonzalez216.02 KB

Goran Ilić245.77 KB

Antonio Cluny133.35 KB

Jacek Bilewicz160.78 KB

Jacek Bilewicz – appendix167.69 KB

Dionysia Bitzouni84.22 KB

Jerzy Iwanicki135.42 KB

Ola Quarnstrom93.02 KB


Conference video:

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