Friday, September 27, 2024


International Conference / Next CA of MEDEL – Sofia, September 27th – 28th, 2024

MEDEL and Bulgarian Judges Association, jointly with the Bulgarian Center  for Non- Profit Law, will organize on Friday, September 27th , an international conference on the subject The role of magistrates’ associations in nurturing legal culture and protection of vulnerable groups.

The conference will take place at the Sofia Balkan Hotel.

“The role of magistrates’ associations in nurturing legal culture and protection of vulnerable groups”

International conference

Sofia, 27th September 2024



Bulgarian Judges Association
Bulgarian Center for Non-Profit Law
MEDEL /Magistrats Européens pour la démocratie et les libertés/

The event is being organized with the support of the American Foundation for Bulgaria in the framework of the project On the rule of law through the lens of literature and philosophy



9.00 – 9.30  Registration

Opening and Welcoming Speeches 

9.30 – 9,45

Tatyana ZhilovaPresident of the Board of the Bulgarian Judges Association
Galina ZaharovaPresident of the Supreme Court of Cassation of Bulgaria
Mariarosaria Guglielmi – President of MEDEL


The Role of Magistrates’ Associations in Nurturing Legal Culture within Society

9,45 – 11,30 Moderator Nelly Koutzkova – former President of the Bulgarian Judges Association, former member of the Supreme Judicial Council of Bulgaria

  • Tatyana Zhilova – The activities of the Bulgarian Judges Association in the framework of the project “On the rule of law through the lens of literature and philosophy”
  • Monika Frąckowiak – The activities of Iustitia – Poland for strengthening of the values of the Rule of law among Polish citizens
  • Adrienn Laczo – The experience of Res Iudicata Association – Hungary to build a bridge between judiciary and society
  • Alexander Arabadjiev – President of the First Chamber of the Court of Justice of EU /online/ – The role of professional associations of magistrates in the proceedings before the Court of Justice and the General Court of EU
  • Discussion

Coffee Break 11.30 – 12.00 

Protection of vulnerable victims of crimes and of vulnerable people from other forms of basic rights violence

12.00 – 13,30 Moderator: Maria Doncheva – Vice – President of the Sofia Regional Court

  • Fabrizio Filice – Judge at the Milan Criminal Court /online/ – The protection of victims and vulnerable persons in the Italian criminal system
  • Yonko Grozev – Former Judge at the European Court of Human Rights /2015 – 2024/ – The ECtHR jurisprudence on protection of victims of domestic violence
  • Galia Valkova – Judge at the Sofia City Court – Legal issues in the Bulgarian judicial system on the protection of victims of domestic violence
  • Julio Martínez Zahonero – Instruction judge at the court of Gijon – The Spanish system for protection of gender-based violence
  • Discussion

Lunch 13.30 – 14.30

Equal access and participation of disabled persons in court proceedings

14.30 – 16.15 Moderator Vladislava TsarigradskaJudge at the Pleven District Court

  • Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andrea Berzlanovich – Leiterin Fachbereich Forensische Gerontologie, Medizinische Universität Wien – The forms of violence against people in need of care and people with disabilities that are not punishable by law, but which represent massive infringements of the personal rights of those affected
  • Alexander Klerch – President of the Court in Pirna, Germany – Legal guarantees for protection of people with mental-health issues and their practical application by the German Judiciary
  • Alexandra Neves – Assistant Attorney General at the Court of Appeal of Évora, Portugal – The legal framework for vulnerable people in Portugal
  • Miroslava Todorova – Judge at the Sofia City Court – The efforts of the judicial professional community in Bulgaria for reform of the legal basis on the rights of people with mental-health issues
  • Vladimir Sotirov – Medical doctor of psychiatry – The necessary reform in the field of mental health care in Bulgaria
  • Professor Hans Petter Graver – University of Oslo /online/ – Positive and negative examples in history for the role of judges in protection of vulnerable groups
  • Discussion

16.15 – 16.30 Closing remarks

Cocktail dinner 17.00 – 19.30

On the next day, MEDEL will hold its Council of Administration in Sofia, at the Palace of Justice.

Programme of the Conference (.pdf, 300Kb)

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