Wednesday, February 5, 2025


Letter from MEDEL to the European Network of Judicial Councils on suspension and Imprisonment of Judges and Prosecutors in Turkey

Dear Sir or Madam, MEDEL (Magistrats Européens pour la Démocratie et les Libertés), an organization of European judges and prosecutors created with the main purpose to defend  the independence of the judiciary, democracy and human rights, currently comprises 22 national associations from 15 European countries, including Turkey, and as an observer member of the CCPE, hereby states the following:

The European Network of Councils for the Judiciary (ENCJ) expressed its grave concerns by the reports that over 2700 judges and prosecutors had been suspended and/or dismissed by the High Council for Judges and Prosecutors only hours after the coupd’etatin Turkey had happened. ENCJ also declared that would follow the developments in Turkey and stay in close contact with the relevant European and international authorities.

MEDEL believes that the very declaration of ENCJ that the situation would be observed is not sufficient while the independence of judiciary in Turkey is so harshly violated. ENCJ should use all possible instruments to put an effective pressure on the High Council for Judges and Prosecutors of Turkey which has a status of an ENCJ observer.

Therefore, MEDEL urges ENCJ to demand immediately from the High Council for Judges and Prosecutors of Turkey for the following information:

  1. Exact data as to the numbers and names of the magistrates dismissed and/or detained;
  2. What are the charges against them;
  3. In what conditions are they detained;
  4. In what way is a fair trial guaranteed for them, especially the right to defence?

MEDEL believes that only through acting ENCJ will be able to fulfil its mission which is to reinforce an independent yet accountable judiciary and to promote best practices to enable the judiciary to deliver timely and effective justice for the benefit of all. It must be underlined that also judges and prosecutors themselves deserve justice.



President of MEDEL

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