Saturday, March 29, 2025


MEDEL conferences on the eve of the June 2024 election for European Parliament – Florence 5 April 2024, Rome 12 April 2024, Paris 31 May 2024


APRIL 5th, 2024, 9 – 13.30 – FLORENCE, ITALY
(University of Florence, Department of legal sciences – Aula Rossa, Villa Ruspoli, Piazza Indipendenza)
(co-organised with Magistratura Democratica, Movimento Europeo Italia, Fondazione Lelio e Lisli Basso, Università degli Studi di Firenze)


Conference programme

Opening and introductory remarks

Giovanni Tarli Barbieri, full professor of constitutional law, Vice-Rector, University of Florence

Mariarosaria Guglielmi, European delegated prosecutor (EPPO), Rome, president of MEDEL

The current crisis of constitutional democracy and the rule of law in Europe: a debate

Gualtiero Michelini, judge, Court of Cassation, Italy

Martina Coli, post-doc researcher in European Union Law, University of Florence

Monika Frąckowiak, judge, Poznań District Court, Vice-president of MEDEL

Daniela Rondinelli, member of the European Parliament, S&D


Alessandro Simoni, full professor of comparative law, President of the University of Florence School of Law

Promoting and strengthening constitutional democracy and the rule of law in Europe: where to start from

Luigi Ferrajoli, professor emeritus of philosophy of law, Roma Tre University

Gaetano Ruta, European delegated prosecutor (EPPO), Milan

Sara Cocchi, attorney-at-law, UE and OECD consultant

Antonello Ciervo, attorney-at-law, researcher in public law, Unitelma Sapienza

Nello Rossi, editor-in-chief of Questione Giustizia

Pier Virgilio Dastoli, president of European Movement (Italy)


Giuseppe Bronzini, former judge, secretary of European Movement

Concluding remarks

Franco Ippolito, president of Fondazione Lelio e Lisli Basso

The conference will be broadcast live on

Program of the conference (EN)
Program of the conference (IT)

Video of the conference


APRIL 12th, 2024, 09.00 – 17.30 – ROME, ITALY
(Roma Tre University)
(co-organised with Magistratura Democratica, Movimento Europeo Italia, Fondazione Lelio e Lisli Basso, L’Università degli Studi Roma Tre)


Conference programme

9.00 – Opening and introductory remarks

Elena Granaglia, vice-director, Department of Law, Roma Tre University

Mariarosaria Guglielmi, president of MEDEL


Juan Fernando López Aguilar, president, Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE), European Parliament

Immigration and jurisdiction: a regulatory mosaic tested in court

Daniela Vitiello, researcher of EU Law, University of Tuscia

Giulia Perin, attorney-at-law in Rome, member of ASGI

Marco Gattuso, judge, International Protection Section, Court of Bologna

Isma Belaïd, judge, Police tribunal of Hainaut (Belgium)

Joanna Hetnarowicz Sikora, judge, District Court of Słupsk (Poland)

Communication by Maria Giovanna Pietropaolo, External Relations Associate, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

Chair: Silvia Albano, judge, Court of Rome, president of Magistratura democratica


Satvinder Juss, Barrister at Law and judge, professor, King’s College London

“The Off-shoring of Refugees: Problems & Prospects”

Introduced by Gualtiero Michelini, judge, Court of Cassation

 12.30 – Immigration as a socio-legal phenomenon

Franco Ippolito, president, Lelio e Lisli Basso Foundation

Enrica Rigo, associate professor of Philosophy of Law, Legal Clinic on Fundamental Rights, Immigration and Citizenship, Roma Tre University

Maria Grazia Gabrielli, confederal secretary, Italian General Confederation of Labour (CGIL)

Filippo Miraglia, national vice-president, ARCI

Chair: Giuseppe Bronzini, secretary, European Movement (Italy)

13.30 – lunch break


Maurizio Ambrosini, full professor of Sociology of Migrations, University of Milan

“Welcoming begins with a look. Immigration beyond clichés”

Introduced by Giuseppe Bronzini, secretary, European Movement (Italy)

15.00 – EU migration policies on the eve of the European Parliament elections

Riccardo Magi, Member of Parliament, + Europa

Elisabetta Piccolotti, Member of Parliament, Sinistra Italiana

Pierfranceso Majorino, migration policies coordinator, Partito Democratico

Massimiliano Smeriglio, Member of European Parliament, S&D

Janina Maria Ochojska-Okońska, Member of European Parliament, European People’s Party

Chair: Pier Virgilio Dastoli, president, European Movement (Italy)

16.30 – Voices from the Witnesses

Monika Frąckowiak, judge, District Court of Poznań (Poland), vice-president of MEDEL


Orhan Karabacak, former judge (Turkey)

Kasia Smutniak, actor and director, author of “Mur” (2023)

Concluding remarks

Mariarosaria Guglielmi, president of MEDEL

Live stream and simultaneous translation will be available throughout the event

To join the conference, please fill in the form (EN):

To join the conference, please fill in the form (IT):

Program of the conference (EN)
Program of the conference (IT)
Dedicated conference page


MAY 31th, 2024, 10.00 – 16.30 – PARIS, FRANCE
(Tribunal judiciaire de Paris)
(co-organised with the Syndicat de la Magistrature)


10 h : Accueil par le président du tribunal judiciaire de Paris

10h15 : Ouverture du colloque par la présidente du Syndicat de la Magistrature

10h30 : les magistrats garants de l’Etat de droit démocratique, sous la présidence de Simone Gaboriau, magistrate honoraire

  • Introduction historique : la place du juge dans la construction de l’ordre juridique européen à la Libération – Mathieu Touzeil-Divina, professeur de droit public
  • “Défendre l’indépendance de la justice par le contentieux. Comment éviter que l’État de droit ne se politise ?” – Carsten Zatschler SC Senior Counsel
  • La mobilisation du droit européen dans la protection des libertés des citoyens : une arme à double tranchant
    • L’exemple du droit de la consommation – Simon Chardenoux, Juge
    • La jurisprudence de la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne et les droits économiques et sociaux – Ismaël Omarjee, professeur à l’Université Paris Nanterre


Pause méridienne

14h30 : les magistrats, acteurs du débat démocratique, sous la présidence de Lara Danguy des Déserts, coordonnatrice de la rédaction de la revue Délibérée

  • Les moyens du dialogue avec la société : les garanties européennes de la liberté d’expression des magistrats – Isabelle Boucobza, professeure à l’Université paris Nanterre ;
  • Le dialogue entre juges et citoyens en Pologne – Dorota Zabludowska, juge, et Paulina Kieszkowska, membre de l’ONG « the free courts initiative »,
  • Le dialogue en Italie dans le contexte de la lutte contre la mafia – Fabrizio Vanorio, procureur antimafia à Naples ;


“Une lueur d’espoir : l’impact de la solidarité de MEDEL sur la lutte pour l’indépendance  de la justice  en Turquie” – Muhiddin Karatas, ancien juge en Turquie.

16h30 : Intervention de clôture : Mariarosaria Guglielmi, présidente de MEDEL

Simultaneous translation will be available throughout the event.

Program of the conference (FR)
Program of the conference (EN)
Dedicated conference page

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