Wednesday, February 5, 2025


Next Conference and Council of administration of MEDEL

On Saturday, June 22nd 2019, MEDEL will hold its next Council of Administration in Prague, Czech Republic.

The previous day, Friday June 21st, in cooperation with the Prague City Hall, MEDEL and its Czech member association SOUDCOVSKÁ UNIE ČESKÉ REPUBLIKY will organize the international conference

“Increasing Psychological Resistance of a Judge”,

with the following program:




            in cooperation with the Prague City Hall

cordially invite you to the international conference

“Increasing Psychological Resistance of a Judge”


21st June 2019 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. 

Residence of the Mayor of Prague, Mariánské náměstí 1/98, Praha 1.

A g e n d a:

9:30 a.m.  Registration of participants

10:00 a.m.  Opening of the conference  

Filipe Marques, President of MEDEL, Portugal

Daniela Zemanová, President of the Czech Union of Judges

Jan Tuček, senior consultant of the Department of Psychiatry at České Budějovice Hospital “Burnout Syndrome: View of a Psychiatrist”


11:45 a.m.  Lunch

1:00 p.m.  Martina Friedlová, psychologist and specialist in pedagogy at Palacký University Olomouc “How to Increase Psychological Resistance of Judges: View of a Psychologist”  


Georgia Skountzouri, Judge of the Magistrate’s Court of Athens, Greece

“Stressors in the Life of Judge”

 Luboš Dörfl, President of the Regional Court in Ústí nad Labem

“View of the President of Court on Psychical Stress in the Work of Judge and Possible Ways to Balance It”


2:15/2:30 p.m. Summary and the end of the conference

Moderators: Daniela Zemanová, President of the CUJ

and Karolína Tylová, CUJ Representative in MEDEL


Conference languages: Czech and English.

Simultaneous interpretation: Blanka Owensová and Michael Borek.

Contacts: e-mail  phone: 00420 221 093 397(6)



You can download the program HERE162.93 KB.

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