Wednesday, July 17, 2024


Watch the live streaming of the conference “Rule of Law in Europe”

Next Thursday 09 December (from 15:30 CET) and Friday 10 December (from 10:30 CET), watch the live streaming (in English) of the international conference “Rule of Law in Europe”, organised by MEDEL, ASJP and SMMP, in cooperation with Catolica Lisbon School of Law on our website below:

The Católica | Lisbon School of Law of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP) and MEDEL – Magistrats Européens pour la Démocratie et les Libertés organise the international conference “Rule of Law in Europe”, to be held on 9 and 10 December 2021 at the Lisbon Campus of UCP.

(all times indicated in the program are in Lisbon time – for CET please consider one hour more)


 You can also watch the livestream on JustiçaTV website (link below)

Estado de Direito na Europa — MEDEL / ASJP



14.30 Opening session
– Isabel Capeloa Gil, Rector, UCP
– Paulo Pinto de Albuquerque, UCP Lisbon
– Filipe Marques, President of MEDEL
– Didier Reynders, European Commissioner of Justice

15.00- Structural problems of the independence of the Judiciary in Europe
Moderator: Manuel Soares, President of ASJP – Portuguese Judges Association

– João Caupers, Lisbon Nova University, President of the Portuguese Constitutional Court
– Laurent Pech, Middlesex University, London
– Adam Bodnar, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Warsaw, Polish Ombudsman (2015-2021)

16.30 Coffee break

17.00 The CJEU case law on judicial independence and the relationship between national judges and the CJEU
Moderator: Monika Frackowiak, Judge at Poznan Court, Poland, MEDEL board member

– Marc de Werd, University of Amsterdam, Judge at the Amsterdam Court of Appeal
– Paulo Mota Pinto, Coimbra University, Judge of the Portuguese Constitutional Court (1998-2007)
– Miguel Poiares Maduro, UCP Lisbon, Advocate General at the CJUE (2003-2009)


9.30 The ECHR case law on judicial independence and the relationship between national judges and the ECHR
Moderator and speaker:
– Paulo Pinto de Albuquerque, UCP Lisbon , Judge at the ECHR (2011-2020)
– Francesco Viganò, Università Bocconi, Milano, Judge at the Italian Constitutional Court
– András Sajó, Central European University, Judge at the ECHR (2009-2017)
– Anke Eilers, Presiding Judge at the Cologne Court of Appeal, Germany, President-elect of the CCJE – Consultative Council of European Judges
– Yves Haeck, Ghent University, Belgium

11.00 Coffee break

11.30 The future lines of action of the European institutions
Moderator: Filipe Marques, MEDEL

– Paulo Rangel, UCP Porto, Member of the European Parliament
– José Manuel Pureza, University of Coimbra, Member of the Portuguese Parliament
– Patrícia Fragoso Martins, UCP Lisbon
– John Morijn, University of Groningen

13.00 Lunch break

14.30 The position of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the need for European rules on internal/external independence
Moderator: Adão Carvalho, President of SMMP – Portuguese Prosecutors Union

– Dolores Delgado, General Prosecutor of Spain
– Antonio Vercher Noguera, President of the CCPE – Consultative Council of European Prosecutors
– Paulo Dá Mesquita, Judge at the Tribunal de Contas/ Member of the Consultative Council of the Portuguese General Prosecutor (2011-2017)

16:00 Closing
– Jorge Pereira da Silva, Dean of the Católica Lisbon Law School
– Adão Carvalho, President of SMMP
– Manuel Soares, President of ASJP
– Mariarosaria Guglielmi, European Delegated Prosecutor in Rome, Vice-President of MEDEL
– Francisca Van Dunem, Minister of Justice of Portugal


You can download the programme (EN) HERE

You can download the programme (PT) HERE




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