Wednesday, November 6, 2024


Mariarosaria Guglielmi and Paulo Lona at the Consultative Council of European Prosecutors – Strasbourg 28-29 October 2024

MEDEL, represented by Mariarosaria Guglielmi and Paulo Lona, participated as an observer in the 19th plenary meeting of the Consultative Council of European Prosecutors (CCPE) of the Council of Europe. The debate included developments in Member States in the area of prosecution reforms and independence of prosecutors. The plenary adopted Opinion no. 19 (2024) on managing prosecutors service to ensure their...

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Mariarosaria Guglielmi at the congress of the Union of the Italian Associations of Criminal Lawyers – Reggio Calabria, 4-5 October 2024.

Mariarosaria Guglielmi, President of Medel, attended the congress of the Union of the Italian Associations of Criminal Lawyers in Reggio Calabria, 4-5 October 2024. She...

MEDEL Council of Administration in Sofia

On September 28th, 2024, MEDEL held its Council of Administration in Sofia. European judges and prosecutors gathered to share their views on current challenges to...

International conference “The role of magistrates’ associations in nurturing legal culture and protection of vulnerable groups”

On September 27th, 2024, MEDEL and its member association - Bulgarian Judges Association - held in Sofia the international conference on "The role of...

International Conference / Next CA of MEDEL – Sofia, September 27th – 28th, 2024

MEDEL and Bulgarian Judges Association, jointly with the Bulgarian Center  for Non- Profit Law, will organize on Friday, September 27th , an international conference...

Statement on attacks and interference against the Italian judiciary

MEDEL expresses its deepest concern over the current attacks on the Italian judiciary launched through a media campaign and public statements by highest levels...

Open letter: EU leaders must protect democracy and civic space in the upcoming 5-year mandate

Medel is part of 416 civil society organisations calling on the EU Institutions to safeguard democracy and foster civic space. On the occasion of the...

Hommage à Me Henri Leclerc avocat honoraire, figure lumineuse et courageuse du barreau français et européen

L'héritage que nous a transmis Henri Leclerc, infatigable plaideur, combattant les indignités et les atteintes aux droits humains, doit être précieusement conservé par les magistrats...

Joint press release of AEAJ, IAJ-EAJ, MEDEL, Judges for Judges

Four European organisations of judges are appealing to the European Court of Justice against the first instance order refusing them standing to challenge the...

Monika Frąckowiak took part in the project promoting Rule of Law Report

Monika Frąckowiak, vice president of MEDEL took part in the project promoting Rule of Law Report.     

Medel statement on judicial independence and financial security

Material independence of judges is an essential guarantee of their independence and, at the same time, of the proper functioning of the judiciary as...

MEDEL in support of Murat


Europe for Poland


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Member Associations

Neue Richtervereinigung (NRV) Neue Richter-vereinigung (NRV)
Bundesfachausschuss Richter und Staatsanwälte in Vereinigten Dienstleistunggewerkschaft (VER.DI) Bundesfachausschuss Richter und Staatsanwälte in 

Vereinigten Dienstleistunggewerkschaft (VER.DI)
Association Syndicale des Magistrats (ASM) Association Syndicale des Magistrats (ASM)
Juezas y Jueces para la Democracia (JJpD) Juezas y Jueces para la Democracia (JJpD)
Unión Progresista de Fiscales (UpF) Unión Progresista de Fiscales (UpF)
Syndicat de la Magistrature (SM) Syndicat de la Magistrature (SM)
Eteria Elinon Dikastikon Litourgon Gia ti Demokratia ke tis Elefteries iEteria Elinon Dikastikon Litourgon Gia ti Demokratia ke tis 

Magistratura democratica (Md) Magistratura democratica (Md)
Movimento per la Giustizia Movimento per la Giustizia
Stowarzyszenia Prokuratorów RP Stowarzyszenia Prokuratorów RP
Associaçao Sindical dos Juizes Portugueses (ASJP) Associaçao sindical dos Juizes Portugueses (ASJP)
Sindicato dos Magistrados do Ministério Publico (SMMP) Sindicato dos Magistrados do Ministério Publico (SMMP)
Soudcovská unie České republiky Soudconvska Ceské Republiky
Uniunea Naţională a Judecătorilor din România Uniunea Naţională a Judecătorilor din România
Društvo sudija Srbije Društvo sudija Srbije
Udruženje tužilaca Srbije Udruženje tužilaca Srbije
Yarsav Yarsav
Ένωση Δικαστών Κύπρου Ένωση Δικαστών Κύπρου - Cyprus Judges Association
Asociația Judecătorilor din Republica Moldova (AJRM)
Asociația Judecătorilor din Republica Moldova
Съюзът на съдиите в България
Съюзът на съдиите в България
Udruženje sudija Crne Gore
Udruzenje sudija Crne Gore
Stowarzyszenie Prokuratorów Lex Super Omnia
Stowarzyszenie Prokuratorów Lex Super Omnia
Res Iudicata
Res Iudicata
Stowarzyszenia Sędziów THEMIS
Stowarzyszenia Sędziów THEMIS

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