In December 2021, MEDEL (together with its Portuguese member associations ASJP and SMMP) and the Lisbon School of Law of the Catholic University, organised a conference on “Rule of Law in Europe”, with speakers from all over Europe and different backgrounds, such as Andras Sajò and Paulo Pinto de Albuquerque (former Judges of the ECtHR), EU Commissioner Didier Reynders, Profs. Laurent Pech, John Morijn and Miguel Poiares Maduro, the Minister of Justice of Portugal and the Prosecutor-General of Spain, among others.
Springer has just published a book with the majority of the speeches of the conference, co-edited by Filipe Marques (former President of MEDEL) and Prof. Paulo Pinto de Albuquerque.
You may find all the texts and download the full book in this link (fully open access):