Saturday, March 29, 2025


MEDEL Conferences

Conference “The Future of Europe between Rule of Law and Social Pillar”

  On July 9, 2021 MEDEL and its member association Magistratura Democratica organised in Firenze, Italy, the conference "The Future of Europe between Rule of...

Conference “Public Prosecution and Rule of Law in Europe”

On September 19, 2020, MEDEL, "Questione Giustizia" and the Dipartimento di Scienze giuridiche dell’Università di Firenze organised in Florence, Italy, the international conference "Public...

Conference “Justice and Gender” at the University of Santiago de Compostela

MEDEL has held last Friday, november 8th, the conference "Justice and Gender", at the Faculty of History of the University of Santiago de Compostela. You can...

Cycle of Conferences “Democracy and Rule of Law”

MARCH 1st, 2019 (FRIDAY), 3 P.M. – ROME, ITALY(ROMA EVENTI - FONTANA DI TREVI - Piazza della Pilotta 4 – Roma, Italy)(co-organised with Magistratura...

MEDEL in conference “Civil Society for Accountable Governance” in Belgrade

MEDEL was present today in Belgrade, in the conference "Civil Society for Accountable Governance", organized by CRTA - Center for Research, Transparency and Accountability. Filipe...

Presentations given by the speakers at MEDEL Conference in Sofia

Below you can find some of the presentations given by the speakers in the international conference „The role of the Judges in the public...

Conference and Council of Administration in Berlin

On March 16th, MEDEL organised a conference at the Kammergericht, in Berlin, on the subject: "Independent judiciary in Poland and Europe? An analisys in...

Program of the International Conference: Constitutional Courts: Between the Political and the Juridical

Program of the conference organized by MEDEL, ASJP and UCP. June 30th 2017, Universidade Católica Portuguesa - Porto, Carvalho Guerra Auditorium Programa 9:00 Receção dos Participantes 9:15 Sessão de Abertura   - Maria Manuela Paupério...

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