Sunday, March 9, 2025


Europe News

Monika Frąckowiak in interview to Rule of Law in Poland

Monika Frąckowiak, board member of MEDEL, has been interviewed by "Rule of Law in Poland". You may read the interview HERE.  

Filipe Marques addressing the “Working group on the place of values at the heart of the sense of belonging to the European Union” of...

Filipe Marques, President of MEDEL, will today be addressing the "Working group on the place of values at the heart of the sense of...

23rd of May – Alert Day for the Independence of Justice

Once again MEDEL marks the 23rd of May as the Alert Day for the Independence of Justice, remembering that the independence of the Judiciary...

Interview of Monika Frąckowiak to “Le Soir”

Monika Frackowiak, membre du bureau de MEDEL, à "Le Soir":« A l’automne, Ursula von der Leyen avait fixé trois conditions à la Pologne, dont...

5 minutes pour parler d’Europe / 5 minuts to talk about Europe

An interview with Filipe Marques, President of MEDEL / Une interview avec Filipe Marques, Président de MEDEL. -------- Quelle place pour l’avocat au cœur du droit européen...

The documentary “Judges Under Pressure” won the Bronze Goal at Millenium Fest

The documentary "Judges Under Pressure" won the Bronze Goal - Best Film for Human Rights, at @MilleniumFest!  Congratulations to the director, producers and all our...

Anniversary of Association of European Administrative Judges

MEDEL is honoured to have taken part in the celebration of the anniversary of AEAJ, in Heraklion, Crete, Greece. Filipe Marques participated in the meeting...

Film “Judges Under Pressure” at the MILLENIUM 2022 Documentary Film Festival

Next Thursday, May 12, MEDEL will proudly associate with the "Millenium Documentary Film Festival", in Brussels, Belgium. At 19:00, the documentary "Judges Under Pressure", on...

MEDEL participating at the judges@europe forum

MEDEL is on May 5-7 participating at the judges@europe forum, organised by #EJTN at @SiracusaInst, contributing to the important debate on how to protect...

MEDEL at the conference “Judiciary Integrity – Strengthening Transparency and Trust in Justice”

MEDEL is today represented at the European Association of Judges' conference "Judiciary Integrity - Strengthening Transparency and Trust in Justice", organised by our Portuguese...

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