Thursday, July 18, 2024


Europe News

Statement on the suspension of Judge Joanna Hetnarowicz Sikora

Despite the series of judgments delivered both by the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the European Union, explicitly...

L’union Européenne, protectrice de l’indépendance des acteurs de la justice

The speech of Filipe Marques, President of MEDEL, at the conference "L'Avocat : Acteur d'une Justice qui protège par le droit", held today in...

Conference “Lawyers: Key Players in Ensuring Effective Legal Protection in Europe”

The Bar Association of Paris, in the context of the French Presidency of the EU, will be organising next Thursday, February 10, the conference...

Letter from Murat Arslan

Murat Arslan, the President of YARSAV, has written this letter to the President of MEDEL, from the Sincan prision, where he is unlawfully arrested...

Rule of Law in Europe Conference – Lisbon 2021

  The Católica | Lisbon School of Law of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP) and MEDEL - Magistrats Européens pour la Démocratie et les Libertés organised the international conference "Rule...

Tribute to David Sassoli

Europe must rediscover its pride in its democratic model. Our fervent wish must be that this model of democracy, freedom and prosperity serves as...

Letter to the EU officials demanding action to restore Rule of Law in Turkey

The Platform for an Independent Judiciary in Turkey (MEDEL, EAJ, AEAJ and Judges for Judges) sent a letter to Mrs. Ursula Von der Leyen,...

Letter to the new Minister of Justice of Germany, emphasizing the urgent need to evacuate justice personnel from Afghanistan

MEDEL, EAJ, IAJ, EAAJ and Judges for Judges sent today a letter to the new Minister of Justice of Germany, emphasizing the urgent need...

MEDEL Statement on France

In the moment when France is about to take the presidency of the European Union, MEDEL recalls the historical responsibility of France in defending...

MEDEL Statement on Montenegro

MEDEL calls on the authorities of Montenegro to repeal the Amendments to the Montenegrin Law on Pension and Disability Insurance, that discriminate against female...

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