Thursday, December 26, 2024



Restoration of Confidence Necessary for the Democratic Functioning of the Serbian Judiciary

1. MEDEL has established a relationship of trust and solidarity with the associations of judges and prosecutors of Serbia. International Association expressed great concerns...


THE ROLE OF PUBLIC PROSECUTION IN THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM Recommendation Rec(2000)19 Adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 6...

Declaration of principles

The Public Prosecutor is tasked with promoting the implementation of the law and ensuring the respect of legality, fundamental rights and equality before the...


La Déclaration de Philadelphie définissait, en 1944, les buts et les objectifs de l'Organisation Internationale du Travail.. Elle proclamait que "le travail n'est pas...

An area of Freedom, Security and Justice

The European Public Prosecutor : a challenge for the European Union (Eric Alt), oct. 2010 : The European public prosecution service is not a...

Justice facing the crisis of the Welfare state

Brussels, December 9-10th, 2010ProgramPaper of Antonio Cluny : what has been happening around the financial measures decreed by states and imposed by the EU...

Work, Justice, Equality

Today, more than ever, to confront insecurities in a more realistic manner, means to tackle the factors of social disassociation that are at the...

Consumer’s law

Medel took the initiative of a Seminar in Florence (IT), on the Draft Green Book pertaining to the Acquis Communautaire in the area of...

The future of labour law

Medel has responded to the consultation about the Green Book Modernising labour law to meet the challenges of the 21Green Book Modernising labour law to...

Labor law in XXI century

Labor law, the fight against discrimination, new forms of labor relations, the role of unions, the flexibility and challenges of law, the appearance of...

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