In December 2021, MEDEL (together with its Portuguese member associations ASJP and SMMP) and the Lisbon School of Law of the Catholic University, organised...
Questione Giustizia published the opening speech by Mariarosaria Guglielmi at the international conference Immigration in Europe and Fundamental Rights. Which perspectives for the next...
MEDEL was represented by its President Mariarosaria Guglielmi at the side-event organized during the plenary session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of...
In the aftermath of the European elections, faced with the most recent developments in national contexts and European institutions, MEDEL reaffirms that only the...
MEDEL wishes to express its serious concern over the reported developments in Moldova, concerning attacks on individual judges, who have been publicly accused by...
On June 1, 2024, Medel held its Council of Administration in Paris.
European judges and prosecutors together to compare perspectives and ideas and advance in their...
MEDEL published jointly with Questione Giustizia the proceedings of the conference held in Florence on April 5th, 2024 on Democracy and the rule of law...
Colloque MEDEL - 31 mai 2024
Le rôle des magistrats dans la construction démocratique - une perspective européenne
Inscriptions par mail jusqu'au 28 mai à l'adresse...