Wednesday, February 5, 2025



Labor law in XXI century

Labor law, the fight against discrimination, new forms of labor relations, the role of unions, the flexibility and challenges of law, the appearance of...

Freedom of speech and association for judges and prosecutors

April 2008 The President of the General Council of the Spanish Judicial Authority(CGPJ) requested that a disciplinary investigation be opened against the signatories of the...

Fighting against discrimination

International conference : “Fighting against discrimination – best practices and new challenges. A comparative approach in EU member states” March 13 – 15, 2008Iasi, Romania Racial...

Freedom of assembly and association

Ankara (Juillet 2008) : An international symposium on "The Separation of Powers and Freedom of Association of Members of the Judiciary" was convened jointly...

Justice and modernisation

Colloquium in Lübeck, 26-27 october 2007The role of the judiciary in Germany (Hans-Ernst Boettcher) : the German judiciary has experienced many changes during the...

State of the judicary in Europe

Updated 07/24/2012 In the aim to audit European judicial systems, MEDEL asked its members to answer a questionnaire on the main elements of a judicial...


Single judge-panel : Through the present contribution to CEPEJ, MEDEL aims to assessing the issues of division of judicial tasks among single or panel judges...

Declaration of Medel on the re-appointment procedure of judges and prosecutors in Serbia

Today Dragana Bolijevic, president of the Judges Association of Serbia (JAS) and General Secretary of MEDEL, has seen her appeal against her dismissal from...

Justice in front of economic crisis

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="group title;group 10. The Philadelphia Declaration, defining the goals and objectives of the International Labour Organization, stated in particular the following principles:...

Tribute to Giovanni Falcone

La mort de Giovanni Falcone - et la fin aussi tragique de son collègue et ami Paolo Borsellino, moins de deux mois après -...

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