Wednesday, March 12, 2025


European Citizens’ Initiative “Respect for the rule of Law within EU”

MEDEL is supporting the European Citizens’ Initiative “Respect for the rule of Law within EU”.

Europe is currently witnessing a flurry of unprecedented challenges to its founding values and our collective ability to achieve the Union’s aim to promote peace and well-being for its citizens is seriously undermined.  

Polarisation of our societies, nationalistic and populistic trends, shrinking civic space and uncouth attempts at dismantling pillars of the Rule of Law, such as the separation of powers based on checks and balances and independence of the judiciary, are unfolding under our eyes.

To counter this drift, the EU needs a comprehensive mechanism to assess MS and European institutions on a regular basis in order to verify compliance with EU fundamental values and avoid a breakdown of mutual trust.   

A European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI, has recently been launched for the creation of an impartial mechanism of evaluation on the respect of the Rule of Law in all MS.The official website has been certified according to EU regulations, and up and running since the beginning of September:  Act for Our Rights – ECI: European Citizens’ Initiative:  

This means that all EU citizens can now sign online to support the formal request to the European Commission

Let’s act for our rights! Sign now

Let’s Act for The creation of an impartial mechanism of evaluation to verify the application of the European values by all the Member States concerning the Rule of Law. A European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) is a powerful way to influence law makers in Europe. Each EU country has set its own rules for taking part and some countries require personal details such as your ID number.


The ECI comes at a moment in which the European Commission is taking a lead on the subject by developing its “Rule of Law Review Cycle”.  While MS are also coming up with initiatives of various nature, such as a “peer  review” mechanism, the Commission is clearly levelling up its monitoring role and, at the same time, acknowledging the existence of a cultural gap that can only be addressed from below, thus involving national actors in particular from civil society. Hence, the importance of the ECI both as a way to engage citizens and muster popular consensus around the core values of the EU, as well as a unique and innovative tool for citizens to shape the Union.

Medel supports to the ECI because the erosion of the Rule of Law in Europe has reached alarming levels, as well as the attempts by political forces to undermine the universality and indivisibility of human rights. The clash of intolerances and the rising inequalities deserve action on our part.   We have 4 months left to collect 1.000.000 signatures throughout the EU. A real challenge. In order not to make it “mission impossible”, the ECI needs maximum dissemination.

Members of Medel may sign on and share the initiative with staff members, colleagues, and organisations.

Let’s act for our rights! Sign now

Let’s Act for The creation of an impartial mechanism of evaluation to verify the application of the European values by all the Member States concerning the Rule of Law. A European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) is a powerful way to influence law makers in Europe. Each EU country has set its own rules for taking part and some countries require personal details such as your ID number.


For further information or presentations the European Citizens Initiative contact person is Virginia Fiume –  

In the year in which we celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the entry into force of the Charter of fundamental rights of the European Union, this Initiative can play an important role in strengthening the culture of fundamental rights, the Rule of Law and democracy in Europe.


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