Saturday, October 26, 2024


Letter from Murat

MURAT ARSLAN, President of YARSAV, sent a letter to the President of MEDEL, from  Sincan prison.  

Dear Mariarosaria,

I can’t express enough how much your letter meant to me.

Reading your words while sitting in my cell brought a wave of emotions that’s hard to describe. It wasn’t just the content of your message, but the sincerity and warmth behind it that filled me with a sense of hope and light, something I haven’t felt in a long time.

To know that someone of your stature would take the time to write to me, to offer such kind and encouraging words, well, it humbled me deeply. Your praise of my actions and my character was far beyond what I feel I deserve, and it made me reflect on the values I continue to stand for. I only hope I can live up to your words and the trust you and others have placed in me.

Your tireless efforts for my freedom, and for the independence of the judiciary both in Turkey and across Europe, have not gone unnoticed. I am deeply aware of the initiatives you have taken, the struggles you’ve embraced, and the risks you and others have faced to speak out on issues of justice and human rights. Your leadership has been an inspiration, not only to me but to so many who believe in the rule of law and the basic dignity of individuals.

Knowing that people like you and organizations like MEDEL are standing with me, gives me strength in the darkest moments.

It’s a reminder that I’m not alone in this fight. Your solidarity and that of MEDEL, in the face of everything happening in Turkey, have been truly remarkable. It’s not just about me. It’s about the broader fight for an independent judiciary and the rule of law that affects every citizen. Your unwavering stance on these values is something that I deeply admire and draw strength from. It shows the power of international solidarity, and it gives me hope for a future where these principles are upheld—not just here, but everywhere.

I am incredibly grateful for all that you’ve done, and continue to do. Your leadership, your courage, and the support of MEDEL have touched me more than you can imagine. Please continue your important work with the same passion and belief, because it is people like you who keep the flame of justice alive when it seems at its weakest. Thank you, sincerely, for everything—for the letter, for your kindness, and for the unshakable support you’ve given me and so many others.

With deep respect and gratitude,

Murat Arslan


The message from the President of MEDEL

Dear Murat ,

I am sending you this letter from my hometown, truly a small corner of the world to which I am deeply attached through many loved ones and fond memories. From this place, which is so important to me, I wish to express you my closeness, my solidarity and my hope of seeing  you again soon.

The time and space that divide us are not insurmountable obstacles. The values of friendship, humanity, solidarity and justice that we share are in fact the strongest bond, which survives all distances and which we have perceived over these years as the strength that unites us.

Dear Murat, you are always in our thoughts, in our memories and, above all, you are part of our current and future plans and projects.

The moment we will meet again is for us the horizon we keep looking at every day.
We await your return with anticipation and we are confident that you will continue to be like an ever-lit beacon guiding us from afar.

No one has ever been able to dim the light of this beacon. No difficulty today will be able to stop it from continuing to shine.


Murat Arslan
Murat Arslan


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