Wednesday, March 26, 2025


The International Day of Women Judges, March 10th, 2025

At such a dark time for democracy and fundamental rights, MEDEL celebrates the International Day of Women Judges by remembering the commitment that women, in judicial systems, judicial associations and civil society, have shown in affirming and defending these values. In the last years of Rule of law backsliding in Europe and of unprecedented attacks on judicial systems, women have...

More to read:

Mariarosaria Guglielmi published an article on the recent statements by the Italian Minister of Justice, following his official visit to Turkey

The “Astonishment” of the Turkish Minister of Justice in Conversation with Minister Nordio. Our Questions Remain Unanswered  It is understandable that, at this decisive stage...

International Conference / Next CA of MEDEL – Berlin, February 28th- March 1st, 2025

MEDEL and its German member associations, Neue Richtervereinigung (NRV) and Ver.di, jointly organized an international conference on “The European minimum wage directive” and “Far...

Solidarity with all Italian magistrates and the Associazione Nazionale Magistrati

MEDEL reiterates its full support to the Italian magistrates and the Associazione Nazionale Magistrati  for their commitment to defending the constitutional guarantees of judicial...

Joint statement by the international legal and human rights community on actions against the Istanbul Bar Association

The international legal and human rights community is deeply concerned by prosecuting authorities’ recent criminal investigation and lawsuit against the Istanbul Bar Association, particularly...

Letter from Murat

“They may keep me in prison for years, but they can never imprison my mind, conscience, or determination to fight” We publish the letter that...

Postcards for Murat Arslan

In this exceptional time, Medel’s thoughts are with our friends in Turkey, and especially with Murat Arslan, who has been spending the end of...

MEDEL supports the joint call to international and European institutions to take action for Reza Khandan

Ms. Mai Sato UN Special Rapporteur on the Islamic Republic of Iran Ms. Margaret Satterthwaite UN Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers Ms. Mary Lawlor UN...

Meeting with Polish Minister of Justice

MEDEL, represented by Filipe Marques, was today present at the meeting with Adam Bodnar, Polish Minister of Justice, organised at the Permanent Representation of...

Solidarity with Hungarian Judges

MEDEL is observing with concern the recent development in Hungary represented by the agreement signed by the Ministry of Justice, the National Office for the Judiciary,...

MEDEL / AED : Hommage à Henri Leclerc

Le 10 décembre 1948, la déclaration universelle des droits de l’homme proclamait que « la reconnaissance de la dignité inhérente à tous les membres de...

MEDEL in support of Murat


Europe for Poland


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Member Associations

Neue Richtervereinigung (NRV) Neue Richter-vereinigung (NRV)
Bundesfachausschuss Richter und Staatsanwälte in Vereinigten Dienstleistunggewerkschaft (VER.DI) Bundesfachausschuss Richter und Staatsanwälte in 

Vereinigten Dienstleistunggewerkschaft (VER.DI)
Association Syndicale des Magistrats (ASM) Association Syndicale des Magistrats (ASM)
Juezas y Jueces para la Democracia (JJpD) Juezas y Jueces para la Democracia (JJpD)
Unión Progresista de Fiscales (UpF) Unión Progresista de Fiscales (UpF)
Syndicat de la Magistrature (SM) Syndicat de la Magistrature (SM)
Eteria Elinon Dikastikon Litourgon Gia ti Demokratia ke tis Elefteries iEteria Elinon Dikastikon Litourgon Gia ti Demokratia ke tis 

Magistratura democratica (Md) Magistratura democratica (Md)
Movimento per la Giustizia Movimento per la Giustizia
Stowarzyszenia Prokuratorów RP Stowarzyszenia Prokuratorów RP
Associaçao Sindical dos Juizes Portugueses (ASJP) Associaçao sindical dos Juizes Portugueses (ASJP)
Sindicato dos Magistrados do Ministério Publico (SMMP) Sindicato dos Magistrados do Ministério Publico (SMMP)
Soudcovská unie České republiky Soudconvska Ceské Republiky
Uniunea Naţională a Judecătorilor din România Uniunea Naţională a Judecătorilor din România
Društvo sudija Srbije Društvo sudija Srbije
Udruženje tužilaca Srbije Udruženje tužilaca Srbije
Yarsav Yarsav
Ένωση Δικαστών Κύπρου Ένωση Δικαστών Κύπρου - Cyprus Judges Association
Asociația Judecătorilor din Republica Moldova (AJRM)
Asociația Judecătorilor din Republica Moldova
Съюзът на съдиите в България
Съюзът на съдиите в България
Udruženje sudija Crne Gore
Udruzenje sudija Crne Gore
Stowarzyszenie Prokuratorów Lex Super Omnia
Stowarzyszenie Prokuratorów Lex Super Omnia
Res Iudicata
Res Iudicata
Stowarzyszenia Sędziów THEMIS
Stowarzyszenia Sędziów THEMIS

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