Tuesday, July 16, 2024


Defense of Liberties

“Filing, Inform citizens: Passport for the protection of personal data

The public conference "Filing, Inform citizens – Passport for the protection of personal data" aims to present the European project of the same name,...

For a decrease of repression

Mathieu Bonduelle advocating for a decrease of repression. "Nous ne transformerons pas notre fonctionnement social si nous ne revenons pas sur la débauche pénale". Extrait...

Freedom of speech – Reform of the criminal code in Spain

Meeting on March 22, 2013 in Madrid. More : the website of the conference. Première table ronde : la liberté d'expression et le droit de réunion...

Freedom of speech for Greek judges and prosecutors

The jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights reminds us that the freedom of expression is a basic pillar of a democratic society,...

Freedom of speech and association for judges and prosecutors

April 2008 The President of the General Council of the Spanish Judicial Authority(CGPJ) requested that a disciplinary investigation be opened against the signatories of the...

Fighting against discrimination

International conference : “Fighting against discrimination – best practices and new challenges. A comparative approach in EU member states” March 13 – 15, 2008Iasi, Romania Racial...

Freedom of assembly and association

Ankara (Juillet 2008) : An international symposium on "The Separation of Powers and Freedom of Association of Members of the Judiciary" was convened jointly...

Conference on New Technical Means of Surveillance and the Protection of Fundamental Rights

The Association of Austrian Judges and the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) organized a Conference in Vienna on June 19th, 2009. The invitation was...

Justice and media

Bucharest, June 21st and 22nd 2008 Media and justice, between ambiguity and cooperation. The relation between the media and the justice is very complex, going from...

Justice, a Force of Democracy

MEDEL has celebrated its 20th anniversary in Rome on May 20th, 2005 with a colloquium organized by the High Council of the Italian Judiciary...

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