On 26 February 2025 the European Committee of Social Rights (ECSR) published a landmark decision on Complaint No. 206/2022 submitted by DCI, FEANTSA, MEDEL, CCOO and ATD...
MEDEL and its German member associations, Neue Richtervereinigung (NRV) and Ver.di, jointly organized an international conference on “The European minimum wage directive” and “Far...
MEDEL celebrates the International Day of Women Judges by highlighting once again women’s commitment to justice and the Rule of Law.
Everywhere, women have brought...
Already started, the international conference "Protection of Migrants and Refugees and Political Asylum", in Barcelona.
Representatives of more than 12 countries discussing ways to move...
Last September, a delegation composed of two members of the board of MEDEL (Iria Gonzalez and Monika Frackowiak), the President of our member association...
Conference : June 21, 2013 Berlin
Within the context of international social solidarity justice plays an important emancipatory role.
The conference will discuss this role. Individual civic,...
Patrick Henriot about Implementing Labor law: "Pour prévenir les dégâts irréparables des licenciements boursiers, qui n'obéissent qu'à une logique financière, il faut que la...