Saturday, February 8, 2025


Medel contributed to the special issue “Magistrates and judges in the world in in the XXI° century. The ins and the outs of justice” of the journal Trayectorias Humanas Transcontinentales, published online by the University of Limoges

MEDEL contributed to the special issue N° 10/2023 on “Magistradas y juezas en el mundo en el siglo XXI. Los entresijos de la justicia/Magistrates and judges in the world in in the XXI° century. The ins and the outs of justice/Magistrates et juges dans le monde au XXI° siècle. Les dessous de la justice”, of the journal Trayectorias Humanas Transcontinentales , published by the University of Limoges under the direction of Professor Dominique Gay-Sylvestre, with the following articles:

Justice et Démocratie : un binôme inséparable /Justice and Democracy: an inseparable binomial, by Mariarosaria GUGLIELMI

L’entrée du corps de la femme dans le corps de la magistrature ou l’histoire vécue de cette aventure/ The entry of the woman’s body into the judiciary or the lived history of this adventure, by Simone GABORIAU-MONTHIOUX

Dominance of female judges in the courts of Hungary – a different path to the development of women’s equality / Prevalencia de juezas en los tribunales de Hungría/ Un camino diferente para el desarollo de la igualdad de las mujeres by Adrienn LACZO and Anna MADARASI

The international criminal court. The legislation of Italy on the statute and on cooperation with the ICC /La cour pénale internationale. La législation de l’Italie sur le statut et la coopération avec la CPI, by Gualtiero MICHELINI

Women judges in transitional justice and their impact on trials on cases of sexual and gender-based violence committed as war crimes/ Les femmes juges dans la justice transitionnelle et leur impact sur les procès relatifs aux cas de violence sexuelle et basés sur le genre commis comme crimes de guerre, by Anna ADAMSKA-GALLANT


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