Wednesday, February 5, 2025



Resolution on situation in Poland

On April 16th, 2011 the General Assembly of MEDEL had a meeting in Warsaw. During the meeting was examined and discussed the situation of the...

Crisis of Serbia’s judiciary : Documents

Updated July 16th 2012. Resolution taken on Dec. 26th, 2009 The Judges' Association of Serbia reached the conclusions that in the procedure of (re)election of judges,...

Support to Renaud Van Ruymbeke

The French Minister of Justice decided again to prosecute R. Van Ruymbeke. Renaud Van Ruymbeke has always demonstrated exemplary professional dedication, in spite of all...

Antonio Cluny about Death penalty in USA

I am here today not because of my activist work against death penalty, but because I am representing a NGO that aggregates over eight...

Imprisonment of Judge Afiuni in Venezuela

Ankara, 3 July 2010 Declaration of MEDEL about Judge Maria de Lourdes Afiuni from Venezuela On December 2009 judge Maria Lourdes Mora Afiuni was arrested in...

Support to Baltasar Garzón

Open letter to Spanish judiciary authorities As jurists, lawyers, judges, academics and human rights defenders of different nationalities signing below, we are writing to you...

Conference on New Technical Means of Surveillance and the Protection of Fundamental Rights

The Association of Austrian Judges and the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) organized a Conference in Vienna on June 19th, 2009. The invitation was...

Strengthen the Judiciary’s Independence in Europe!

Conference "Judicial independance in Europe, models of self government and self responsability"  Frankfurt am Main, 7 - 8th november 2008. The conference program Papers :Following European...

Justice and Management

A step ahead for a (more) effective justice. This study has been issued within the project Performance indicators - a fundamental instrument for the improvement...

Justice and media

Bucharest, June 21st and 22nd 2008 Media and justice, between ambiguity and cooperation. The relation between the media and the justice is very complex, going from...

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