Wednesday, March 12, 2025



Alliance between MEDEL and Judges of Latin America

The Federation of Judges for Democracy of Latin America and the Carribean and MEDEL, at the conclusion of the seminar held in Porto on...

MEDEL statement on personal safety of judges

Italy, 2001. MEDEL statement on personal safety of judges    

Round Table on Draft Judiciary Laws in Serbia

In order to eliminate the major unconstitutionalities and encourage the indispensable public debate on the set of draft judiciary laws, the Judges' Association of...

The Pinochet case

October, 28th 2008 Medel supports the efforts of judges Manuel Garcia-Castellon and Baltasar Garzon lawfully seized of complaints from victims or their families to...

Justice in Shackles

Colloque sur la Justice entravée, corruption et criminalité économique internationale Les "affaires" qui secouent la plupart des pays sont la partie émergée d'un immense iceberg. Le crime...

A european statute for magistracy

On January 16th 1993, in Palermo, Italy, the associated magistrates of Medel have adopted the «Elements of a European Statute of Magistracy. This text expresses...

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